
Wedding decor

So remember what I said about our reception hall--NeverLand meets Midsummers night dream type setting? Because of the already gorgeous garden setting, our venue required minimal decor. We had candles and flowers on our tables--candles from my sister's wedding and flowers we bought in bulk from the Costco of flower shops. We used platters and plates from my amazing family and their neighbors!

*brag moment* I hand lettered this sign for our entryway and it turned out SO PRETTY. The micro-eucalyptus leaves and roses send this European vibe that I just can't get enough of. 

FOOD: My amazing family bought, cooked, arranged and catered the food for our wedding. Team Brimhall/Berge rocked it with cutting fruit for hours and grilling paninis for 200+ people! 

These caramelized bacon things were absolutely amazing. I had friends sneak them to me while I was in the line. I think I ate like 5 of them.

On the tables we had Costco flowers in vases from my sister's wedding, candles (also from her wedding) and photos of Mike & I (thank you SK+D for printing and matting them!) there were rose and flower petals strewn across the tables which added a gorgeous touch to the minimal decor.

I watercolored and hand sewed these little booklets for our wedding tables. People filled them with advice, baby names haha and romantic places we need to visit!

OUR CAKE: Oh my gosh our cake. My sweet friend Amber Saunders was there for me during my Young Women days back in Virginia Beach and baked our cake. It was absolutely amazing and was gone in seconds!!! ok not seconds but like really fast. Mike and I love cheesecake more than normal cake so for our cake topper Amber kindly baked a delicious cheesecake that we cut and ate! I was in heaven and everyone I talked to just GUSHED about our cake! THANK YOU AMBER YOU CAKE MAGICIAN!

Mike gave me pearls as a wedding gift and I gave him new cufflinks. sooo cuuuuuute haha

I hand lettered the place cards for our Luncheon tables and they turned out so cute!! Again, I had so much time on my hands because I wasn't in school--also I love to make cute little things like that so it was fun!

Even with all the preparations that I did all by myself, our wedding would've been NOTHING without our team of families, friends and angels looking out for us and lending a hand! We love every one who came to support us. It was so humbling to see so many people take the time to come and see us just because they love us!

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