
Spring inspiration collection

It's almost officially springtime! My favorite season has always been Spring because of the fresh feeling of rain, the beauty of bright greens and the atmosphere of rebirth in everything; humans, animals and nature.

I'm feeling fresh flowers, lots of pinks, greens and whites.


I'm feeling some spring cleaning and the need to fill up my frames with some fun artwork!

the poetry of material things:

I'm feeling energized and motivated to keep working out and getting stronger. I'm trying real hard to get the beginner trophy on the Nike Fit app and it's way awesome! Also, my new jump rope is about to be my best friend.

❥Pinterest :: VirginiasSecret:

Moon Phases Yoga Mat:

I'm feeling sooooooooo ready for a road trip. Mike and I are planning lots of Utah trips because we realized that we haven't really explored this gorgeous state together besides Moab (where we met).



I'm feeling like wearing flowy dresses, pretty colors and soft textures.


Jeffrey Campbell Peaks Point Wedge:



I'm also feeling like painting a million abstract pieces and springtime bouquets but like when am I not feeling that? haha

Pink Roses by Mhairi McGregor:

JC Millepied:

photos via Pinterest

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