
Provo City Center Temple

Sarah and I went to the Provo City Center Temple on Wednesday in the morning and wow I was so distracted the rest of the day haha. I couldn't stop thinking about all the themes in the temple details and the thoughts I had walking through it. Well, mostly I just thought about Mike. It struck me really hard (for like the 5 billionth time) that we are so totally married for eternity. 

We made a vow to be there for each other forever--and we made that crazy intense vow after only one year of dating! I can totally see how getting married so fast can be viewed as a drastic, scary and spontaneous decision. And yeah, sure to the outside world, Mormon marriage culture is totally irrational because people meet, date and then two months later get hitched! But sometimes I think that's just the most amazing thing. There is time to learn what each other are like, but there is also time to let that person grow, progress and see how that person changes for the better--because you're together. It's really important to give your lover the benefit of the doubt most the time--unless they're crazy and you should leave them--don't over analyze every single emotion or mishap that happens in your relationship because that confuses and complicates everything.

I remember at one point (before Mike and I were engaged) I was stressing about marriage because sure I LOVED this guy but like how could I know that we would be happy the rest of our lives???? I asked my Mom how she knew that my Dad would be a good dad or great husband or calm in stressful situations when life got crazy etc. She laughed and told me she didn't know all that for sure..... but she knew he was a good person and that was enough. It was a total "aha" moment that I felt dumb for not seeing before. I realized I really only need to know 2 basic things from Mike to get our relationship to progress: is he a worthy temple recommend holder and does he love me? And vice versa too--we're in this together and that means effort on both sides. I immediately stopped worrying about future situations that hadn't even happened yet and focused on what kind of man Mike was right then. And it worked! We're totally married and progressing together.

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