
Weekend catch up

So, Monday. My whole body is so sore from shoveling all this frikken snow and also from my aerial silks class I took over the weekend. Let's talk about that: wow, aerial silks is my new obsession. I haven't been so focused, excited, motivated or just plain stoked about any kind of physical activity since being on BYUI's World Dance team 2 years ago. I love being so high up in the silks and making elegant poses haha I also love flipping upside down and stuff, that's scary but fun! I'm also learning the trapeze and lyra hoop.

If you're ever stressed out and need a reminder that you're doing pretty well in your life, watch this clock for five minutes. Just something I learned in my family finance class today. OH! I think I might go skiing this Saturday and I'm nervous but excited. We'll see how that goes, seeing as it's my very first time ever!!!! I have low expectations for myself in any sport so I can't disappoint. Speaking of skiing and cold, I've been crocheting a bunch of warm hats lately in the hope that I can donate them to a charity or refugee organization somewhere in Salt Lake. Crocheting is seriously so relaxing at the end of the day haha Mike calls me Grandma though.....why can't it be normal for 22 yr olds to love yarn?? haha

Anyway, that's all what's up lately. Here's to another cold week in February!

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