
Day in my life video

Ok so I'm currently editing a video with all the footage from last year that I didn't use in any videos. I guess it's like an extras reel or deleted scenes video compilation haha who knows, I just know that there are so many great clips I never used. Oh and I need to dump my iPhone storage on my computer soon so there's that motivating me as well.

Anyway, as I've been editing this video I have watched so many clips of me interviewing Mike about what's going on around us and how we're feeling at that moment in time. I LOVE hearing us talk about how we felt after climbing a mountain or how awesome the sunset it or how much LA traffic sucks hahaha

It inspired me to make a video with Mike and I once it gets a little warmer outside--like we go on a hike or walk or something and talk about what's going on around us. I want to ask each other questions and record what we say. It might be funny in a couple years to see how we wanted 5 kids and then end up with 3 or who knows!

I'm writing all the questions down here so I can have them ready to pull up whenever I decide to film!

Conversation starters:

What time period would you want to travel to?

Name a moment in your life that is precious to you?

What would you tell yourself at age 15?

Who inspires you/what inspires you?

Where do you want to travel and why?

What advice would you give yourself at age 18?

What is something that has influenced you; person, moment, event?

If you could teach something what would it be?

Name your first baby boy's name?

Name your first baby girl's name?

What is your favorite family tradition?

If you could change your name, what would you choose?

If your appearance was altered beyond recognition, how would you prove your identity to me?

If you were famous for something, what would you want that to be?

What would your life be like if you said yes to everything?

What is your favorite super hero? Which one would you want to be?

What are three goals you have for this year?

If you knew you had 30 days to live, how would you spend that time?

What is the nicest compliment anyone has given you?

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