
6 months WAAAT

WOOOOOOOOOOW I haven't posted photos on this blog in like 6 posts hahaha wow. It's weird like all I've been doing is writing writing writing. I've been looking through wedding photos because Mike and I hit our 6 month mark a couple days go. I found some random faves and decided to fill this post up with them because I've missed pretty photos in this space (oh and I'm not sure if I've shared them here not and too lazy to find out so ...)

Half a year! WHOA! Mike and I were joking about how our 1st six months of marriage were the best ever like how is the rest of our life going to live up to them??? Living together in perfect California, Road tripping and camping down through Big Sur, beachin' it in Laguna, chillin' in Disney, taking a leap and traveling to four different countries, petting llamas, swimming in the Amazon, sweating in Cartagena and then sailing on a boat for a week through the most gorgeous Pirates of the Caribbean style islands...oh and then going to the gorgeous LDS temple in Panama City!

It's just been the most incredible slash unforgettable slash overwhelmingly happy journey!! And like nothing will replace these memories we've made in the past six months--especially not me being in school and Mike working fulltime hahaha not really noteworthy but hey that's life-- but I know that our next adventures, whatever they may be, will be magical and unforgettable in their own way. I'm so happy I married Mike. We're 600x more in love than the second we walked out of the Salt Lake City temple together and so grateful for all the amazing things we've been able to do together so far. 

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