
writing writing writing

I was not in school during the entire year of 2015. It was great to get a break and travel to California, Utah, Alaska and all over South America with Mike. But I missed something which surprised me a lot once I realized what it was. I think I missed school. 


but really, I missed parts of school. I missed the projects, the researching, the writing and feeling of importance. Like when you're in school you got stuff to do! There's deadlines and events that fill up your planner--I really missed all that. I think after my last year here I will be absolutely sick of it and be glad to get out. But right now I am totally loving all the typing and writing I have to do. It makes me so happy to check things off my to do list and actually have assignments to write down in my planner. Is that really weird or kinda normal? idk. 

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