
it's almost mid-february so here's an update

Soooooooo, February is almost halfway over and I haven't posted any current life photos---1 main reason: my life is not nearly as photogenic as it was while we were traveling all there is to see is snow and classrooms haha. But I still want to keep documenting my life as it goes even if it isn't as gorgeous as Machu Picchu or the Caribbean.

In January Mike was playing basketball with friends when the hoop dramatically broke and shattered. He snapped me this pic saying it was a funny but totally NOT funny moment and oh my gosh I felt so bad even though I wasn't even there. 

We've been painting a lot in my Studio methods for teaching art:

My attempt as copying a Kooning ^^

My awesome brother comes home from his mission in the Philippines THIS SUMMER!!! Every time I think about that it freaks me out a little like he's all grown up. 

We went on a Sundance film festival date with our friends and had a fun/random time walking around and trying to guess who's famous haha

I rewired our oven to fit the new plug I got at Home Depot and it was super easy thank you YouTube. I called my Dad and said I have finally grown up because I had to go into Home Depot to buy a new oven plug. It was very satisfying to rewire the oven and then cook dinner that night. I fixed it and yelled to Mike, "Oh my gosh I'm a BOSS!!"

Speaking of my Dad, he makes these amazing wood heads and this one totally reminded me of Squidward--like doppleganger.

I've been seeing my sis every Monday and Wednesday. She's come a long way since chemo like gaining back her weight, growing out her hair and just settling back into activities that the old Sarah used to do. I'm so glad to have her back--not that she ever left--we're just so happy that she's healthy again.

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