
Attachment v. Letting Go

I read this quote the other day and it explained everything I've ever felt about the topic of getting attached v. letting go:


When I was in 3rd grade I went through the fear of letting people in. I had just moved to my third elementary school in 12 months and I was feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of making more new friends and being the new girl again. I was used to moving and starting over but around this time in my life I began to realize how much I loved my friends and how important they were to me(3rd grade is a very serious time for friendships). It was something I hadn't experienced before and it felt like I was really growing up and in need of stability/consistency. 

This winter I totally experienced the same thing all over again living in SLC!!!! Like I've moved around my whole life and made new friends everywhere I go but since being married I felt so different and like I had to be a certain kind of person/wife--or I don't know, like there was this image I had to uphold now because of our marriage. It was hard for me to make friends where I was because it seemed all my solid relationships were back in Provo where I attended school. 

I'm so glad the winter is FOR REALS over. I gain so much energy from the sun on my face and that helps me kill my lazy, lonely, unmotivated attitude. It is so good to let some things go because it makes room for new chapters in our lives to stretch out their story. So here's to springtime, sunshine and new beginnings!

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