
Washington D.C. memory with Mimi

Ok I'm in the process of organizing my photos that are all jumbled in my Google drive. I've got some hilarious 2011 sepia toned treasures on there that maybe I'll share someday...... Anyway so I found all these photos from a super quick D.C. trip and I wanted to put words to this memory before I forget. 

So way back in August 2014 I visited my family and we took a trip up to D.C. to visit our Temple. It was super quick like we were there for 48 hours I think-but so memorable. I had just met Mike like a month before and was still in a twitterpated state of mind. That's why I'm so smiley in all these pics. Lol actually maybe it's because I was so tan.

 ANYWAYS so we stayed at our cousin's and I can't remember why JJ and my parents were busy but anyway there was an afternoon where I grabbed Mimi and we explored the city together, just us girls!

 D.C. has always felt really familiar because of all of our trips up here growing up. But we have never actually been to any other museum/place of interest besides the National Gallery & Smithsonian because we're all ART FREAKS. So my lil' sis and I parallel parked like a boss so we could go to the Zoo! 
It was way fun walking around in the jungle with Mimi. We had our brother's nice camera so we snapped a ton of photos while we strolled by the tigers. 

My sweet parents posing for yet another Temple shot. We probably have like 35480283742983 of these same shots. It would be fun to find them all and collage dem pics. *writing to do list item now*


These next shots were taken the same day as our Temple visit, but for some reason AGAIN Mimi and I were alone and took off together to see the Washington Monument & Lincoln Memorial. We ran around all hyper because we were alone again, just us girls! Mimi was practicing her photography and so being the entertainer and complete HAM that I am, I gladly was her model. 

I had so much fun with Mimi on both days when it was just us. We bonded and got to know each other on a whole new level because like she's all grown up now and going through things I went through right at her age. And we're also cognitively aware enough to ask for advice and share things. Ugh, that weekend was just so perfect! I can't wait to see her again and have more girl time memories!

HAHAHAHA I'm so annoying it's not even hilarious.

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