
In Awe of Nature

click here to view: In Awe of Nature

This video encompasses the experiences I've had in nature over the past year. These shots include some of the most wild jungles, pristine beaches and vibrant colored rocks. I have recorded some important experiences concerning specific shots. They are listed in chronological order according to the video.

San Blas Islands, PANAMA: Walking across the white sand, speckled with dirt and bits of coconuts. We were in the middle of the Caribbean on these tiny islands, it felt like we were on another planet because of the feeling of isolation. We sat in the sand and watched the clouds roll across the horizon. We could see tropical storms way off in the distance, raining down on another cluster of islands. It was so secluded and so beautiful. The islands were some of the most rugged beauty I had ever experienced.

Tayrona National Park, COLOMBIA: I snapped this shot of the mountainous scene while my husband and I were trekking through the jungle to find our beach where we were to camp in hammocks for the night. It was a hot, blistering trek but we didn't care because of the overwhelmingly wild nature surrounding us.

Draper, UTAH: I captured these clouds engulfing the mountain while driving home from work. I was in awe of how I was watching the water cycle in motion in real time! I was also reminded and humbled that I live so close to these majestic mountains. So close that I can even climb them anytime I want!

St. George, UTAH: Driving through the red rocks on our way to St. George, I was mesmerized by the colors in each mountain range. The reds were so vibrant and the blues so calming. It made a perfect color palette.

Salt Lake City, UTAH: The cherry blossoms at the State Capitol building were finally opening up to the springtime sun. These tiny flowers lifted my spirits and gave me a burst of hope for the future days. The long presence of winter had effected my mood and clouded my optimism. I went through major amounts of change during the snowy months of 2016. I came to realize that I truly gain so much energy, enthusiasm and joy from the sun. I am like a flower, without the sun I wilt and die. But with it I can bring joy to those around me.

Tayrona National Park, COLOMBIA: This sunset time lapse was shot at our lodge where we camped in hammocks for the night. We sat in our hammocks for about 2 hours just watching the sun dip slowly beneath the horizon. The colors danced and melted along the mountains, the palm trees swayed as if they were drunk and the waves crashed ceaselessly on the shore. I was crying as I looked over this view. I had never seen any sunset more touching than this one.

San Blas Islands, PANAMA: These tropical fish were part of an unforgettable experience. It was my turn to do the dishes from our group dinner on our little sailing boat. We were parked next to a gorgeous set of islands and the sun was starting to set. I began scrubbing the pots and pans when suddenly I found 3 or 4 neon yellow fish swimming around my feet. They were eating the scraps of food I had scrubbed off into the water. These 4 fish turned into 7 which attracted about 20 more. They danced and flitted about, fighting over the food scraps. It was such a surreal experience: me doing the dishes, something I do every single day being a college student in Provo, but now I am in the middle of the Caribbean, surrounded by more dishes and tropical fish. I felt so in shock that I was able to be in that situation, off the coast of Panama, doing the dishes with the fishes.

St. George, UTAH: This shot was taken in between rock climbing sessions at Chuckwalla. It was such an interesting experience, watching humans climb up literal walls and rocks of the earth. It was very humbling doing the actual climbing as well. It was as if I was breaking the rules with Mother Nature, hooking into her sides and gripping tiny holes just to get to the top. But on the other hand, it was as if I became closer to her because of this challenge. After I made it to the top, I looked out over the rocks and mountains, seeing the same view in a whole new way. A mixture of triumph and gratitude swept over me.

Valle de Cocora, COLOMBIA: This unreal view was set in the Valley of Wax palms in Salento Colombia. "Cocora" was the name of a Quimbayan princess, daughter of the local chief Acaime, and means "star of water". This special valley is part of thLos Nevados National Natural Park. This is the only place in the world that you can find these giant palms. We hiked through here with friends and when we could finally see through the mist, we all became silent. It was such a mystical experience, seeing these massive trees tower over us and the mountains! 

Cabo, MEXICO: Mike and I were lucky enough to have a place to stay in Mexico for our honeymoon. We were sleepy, sweaty from the August heat, and so relaxed on this boat ride we took around the famous arch. These rugged rocks were treacherous and imposing and yet complimented the soft sand and quiet waves in a peculiar way. This boat ride and the crashing waves in the following shot both carry wonderful emotions: happiness to be married to my sweetheart, joyful gasps from seeing the sun set against the ocean, contentment from a belly full of fish tacos, and excitement for the future adventures to come.

To end on:

Amazon Jungle, ECUADOR: This night is definitely the most intense experience I have ever had in nature. It was so magical and peaceful. The sun had set but there was still light reflecting against the river. The sunset was a simple purple and pink but it reflected against the palm trees and made it seem as if we were on another planet. Then during our night hike, the world seemed even more alien. Since the river water was so high it was an actual fact that we were swimming amongst the tree tops. We drove in our boat in between the tree tops like we were flying. It was so unreal. When I think back to it my hands shake and I get goosebumps. It was the closest I have felt to space, heaven and nothingness or 'nirvana'. I think my favorite moment was when the light faded, the misty night clouds opened up and millions of tiny stars glittered across the entire sky! That evening was just so incredible I was speechless for the rest of the night. It was truly magic.

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