
tips from Grandma on love, friends and life

        my darling grandmother and I did the dishes together tonight and had a long, lovely chat about life, love and living it up in moment. there was lots of laughter, secrets and silly stories spilled ;)
here are some highlights of the life tips my grandmother gave me:
this photo has no particular connection with this post...
i just love it and it reminds me of my grandma. simple
and beautiful :)

  • be yourself, always!
  • Keep yourself worthy for temple marriage
  • have a jolly old time
  • go to dances :)  "Dances are where you get to meet boys, have fun and fall in love!"
  • jump in with both feet!

Remember to:

  • have fun with your roommates! fun times are much better than dull times
  • treat all with compassion
  • make good friends. "Your darling roommates can become lifelong friends. I email my dear friends all the time. we have quite the discussion and reminisce about old days!"

again, this has no real connection
with post..it's just pretty and all
lovely 50's style
and last but not least!...
Love and boys 
  • Date many young men,
  • don't you dare hold those young men back from serving a full-time mission. no 'love' is worth that.
  • Make sure you do date kind young men who don't need a "slap upside the head."
  • the list you make of your future husband will probably be the complete opposite of the man you marry ha! mine sure was. it was wonderful.
  • you can't change your boyfriend so make sure he is super great before you start dating, same with your husband.
  • fall in love, lots of times
  • pour your whole heart into relationships, boyfriends or best friends, "because people can tell when you're being short with them. and nobody enjoys a fake friend."
  • love with all of your heart and soul...
  • but don't let a break-up ruin your life!
  • if it is meant to be, then let it be.     if not, move on. life gets better.

I love my grandmother. tonight was really nice.


  1. First, I like this post. Second, I like the picture, and not just because when I look at it I can't help but think she's preppin to bust out the stanky leeeeeg.

  2. haaha! so i am LITRALLY rolling on the floor laughing.
    explanation : i laid my laptop on the floor to try out new yoga poses and well that was 23min ago and im still here on my lovely carpet. so i am actually, quite literally, ROFL
