
Amish month coming to a close...

February is almost over!
Tomorrow my family and i will enjoy watching movies, listening to music and seeing all the hilarious YouTube videos that we missed out on for the past 29 days.

Let's re-cap February so I feel like I haven't wasted my life away during this month...

February 1st- Celebrated No Electronics February with a trip to the Beach!

this is very true.
 February 6th- Got my wisdom teeth taken out...fun.
If you would like to view the videos...., click here.....

February 11th- Little Love Bug makes her debut on Amazon.com! I am now officially a published Children's book illustrator. check it out here! :)

February 14th- Happy Valentine's Day! Carter sang me a song he composed and wrote on the ukulele all the way from California. *melt*

February 16th- Celebrated Freddie Frog's one year Birthday with family.
We sure do love Freddie Frog! He is so charming that over 6, 000 people have bought his story! Get yours here!

February 18th- just found these adorable photos from when I babysat the Saunders boys:

They tried out using the computer drawing pad and they did pretty well!

February 20..25th..-drew some pretty epic pictures. in case you were wondering, the third one is Sarah in all her hippi glory. :)

February 29th- Hopefully Rainbow Butterflies will come out tonight! :) we will see..

hooray! life without technology isn't all that bad!..but i still can't wait for March...

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