
South America: Day 01-Lima

After 27 hours in airports and airplanes we finally landed safely in Lima last night. The weather here is so nice! It gets warm during the afternoon and cool in the evenings. It's absolutely perfect. I loved today because it gave us a tiny taste of all the amazing things we will see on our adventure here. Our first item of the day was exploring the historic old city. We took the bus down and walked all around.

We went through the catacombs of the Museo del Convento de San Fransisco de Asis de Lima. (I love saying long Spanish names really fast. It's so legit haha) This was the same catacombs I went through when I came here in 2007. It was like Groundhog Day-Lima version haha. It was so fun to hangout on the steps of the cathedral and watch the pigeons. 

This screenshot is from my snapchat video when Mike jumped into a huge mass of birds. Follow along if you like: @ishelb

Oh, this was funny--Mike made me pose here so he could listen in on a tour guide group haha 
We walked all around the plazas and streets. It was so chill and pretty uneventful. It was kind of a prep day before we get to the more rugged (and my favorite!) parts of Peru! We're excited for tomorrow and the next day and the next day and well you get the idea lol 

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