
Colca Canyon

Idk why there's so much space up here on the blog but whatever. I dont have time to make it pretty

Mike and I have spent the last two days trekking through the 2nd largest canyon on the entire planet, Colca Canyon in Peru. We heard about this trekking tour from our hostel here in Arequipa and decided to take it on! It was incredibly challenging but oh so worth it. 

We took a 4 hour bus ride at 3 AM just to get to the trailhead--that was pretty awful. We began our hike extra early because once the sun hits, it's excruciating to hike in the heat. 

We hiked down the canyon wall during the entire morning--it began at an altitude of 10,760 feet, and we descended down to our lunch spot in a little town--which was at about 7,545 feet. It was so easy going downhill, Mike and I just ran the entire way.

So then after lunch we had to hike to the Oasis which held our dinner and sleeping huts for the night. We trekked for 2 more hours to the Oasis which was at like 7,000 feet. 

The oasis was truly an oasis. There was a gorgeous blue pool(that Mike and I totally jumped in even though it was raining and chilly) which was surrounded by big palm trees, a grass hut for our dinner and other huts for us to sleep in. We ate dinner and went straight to bed because our hike back to the summit began at 5AM.

To reach our starting point back at the summit, we had to hike straight uphill for 2 1/2 hours. It was so challenging but we pushed through it like champs! Mike and I had the lead on our group the entire time, well except a little at the end because the altitude began to mess with our breathing. But we finished strong in 2nd place! haha but it really wasn't a competition because the locals can hike that mountain in 45 minutes with no breaks or clif bars.......

We were so happy to be done! Here are some pics of us at the summit celebrating being done hiking! Oh my gosh our poor muscles were so sore all our pictures look stiff haahahaha

So then we walked over to the local town Chivay to eat our lunch. It was such an easy walk but so hard because we were all so sore haahaha. We were SO glad to get on our bus ride home.

chillest woman sheep herder in the town Chivay

Alpaca sighting on our way back to Arequipa!

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