
conference weeeeekend

 I LOVE CONFERENCE WEEKEND! so much time to chill and feel the Spirit and cuddle up to my man.

This crazy april fools day week began with Monday night yoga. Our Stanford singles ward hosted a yoga class and a ton of people came! We all stretched and sweated for an hour in the gym and it was GLORIOUS. Then Tuesday night my nanny family took Mike and I out for a delicious dinner and a drive in a Tesla P85D (see video to see what it was like to drive in that thing)

Here's how my April Fool's Day went down:
went to work like any other normal day
then I burned my finger on making kids oatmeal
went to Safeway to grab some items for my boss
checked out at cash register but my card was declined
super annoyed and confused, had to leave bag of food there and call my bank
had to go back and pick up Jack while baby was crying in backseat from being in the car too long
drove back to Safeway with two sleeping boys and had to wake them up to go back and buy my bag of things
card worked-YAY
putting stuff in car and realize there's a random misplaced jar of canned Beets in my bag
unbuckle poor whiny kids ONCE AGAIN to go back and return misplaced jar of Beets
finally on our way home when baby shoots out a poop rocket (and I don't have any diapers) and Jack and I gag the entire way home
needless to say it was an insane April Fool's day.

The rest of the week was full of working, planning and playing. Mike took me out to Umami Burger for Friday night date night and then to Country Dancing at a country club in Fremont! IT WAS A BLAST!!!!! But it started out pretty awful thanks to me. here's the story:

So i'm in the middle of getting my CA driver's license and have my temporary paper license right now until they send me my actually license in the mail. I took my old VA license and put it in my diary because it's expired but I still wanted to keep it. On the 30 minute drive to the country club I vaguely thought "hmmm maybe I should have brought my actual license......" but didn't do anything about the feeling. When we tried to enter the club we were turned down rather rudely by the bouncer because my temporary paper license wasn't going to cut it. I was devastated. Mike had planned this night to take me to dinner and dancing and here I was ruining it with my forgetfulness and disregard to plan ahead and just bring my old license. I wanted to cry because Mike and I carpooled with some friends so we couldn't just drive back and get it. I was so mad at myself and couldn't get over it. I was in a total buzz kill mood and Mike was the one trying to cheer me up when he should've been mad. looking back on it I see now more than ever the kind of man Mike is and how blessed I am to be his girlfriend. Mike was such a gentleman and sat with me in the car for an hour while we called friends who might be coming to the club later that night.

Later that night Mike's roommate got into my car, found my license in my diary, and drove up to dance with us and brought it with him. We were elated that an hour and a half later we could enter the club. I tried to make up for my bad attitude earlier by being the best dance partner Mike could wish for. We danced and laughed and did some flips(and got in trouble) and had the best time together. We were completely exhausted and worn out from so much dancing--it was such a wonderful night and we're definitely planning on doing it again.

now we are taking it easy and watching conference all weekend, soaking up the Spirit and finding ways to improve ourselves. Honestly the gospel makes everything better. even a crazy, awful, up and april fools week.

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