
Monterrey or Monterey? you decide

HALF-DAY TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike and I were so excited to drive down to Monterrey and have a super awesome day filled with a lovely aquarium visit, perfect weather and a relaxing loop down the famous 17 mile drive. 

HERE'S A PIECE OF PRICELESS ADVICE FOR YA: never set high expectations.

Mike and I have been totally honest with our expectations about everything under the sun. We always talk about how we will expect the worst and then everything good that happens is just a bonus! It's been such a great 10 months dating him because we are always optimistic and realistic. 

SO. This weekend though I had big expectations. Mostly I just wanted us to utilize most of our time down in Monterrey because it's a 2-3 hour drive and I really wanted it to be worth our effort. So when Mike's car broke down the morning we were supposed to leave it just reminded me to set low expectations all over again. We fixed the car battery cause we're a BOSS MECHANIC COUPLE and decided to leave the next day for our Monterrey trip.

We saw the Monterrey Bay Aquarium first and it was absolutely beautiful. It felt SO CROWDED though. Like we were at 11 and every parent and their eight children were there. I don't know how many people I expected to be there but it definitely was not THAT many bodies trying to pet the sting rays.
Anyway, we watched the otters flip and eat which was adorable to say the least.  The jellyfish were absolutely FREAKY. I loved it.

But our absolute favorite was the octopus. It was sucking on the glass pane and making creepy eye contact with all the little kids staring up at it haha it was SO AWESOME!!

Now onto describing the famous 17 mile drive:

I like self timer photos WAAAAAY better than asking strangers to try and capture all of our candid, awkward but cute moments. Actually I just set up my iPhone, press record and then walk back and pose at certain moments to go back and pause and save later. yep that was way too long to explain that. 
anyway we loved Monterrey!! 

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