
current favorite moments and feels

the smiles right when your mom answers your Facetime and exclaims "hi how ARE you!!"

the moment after the last guest leaves the bangin' party you just hosted. chillin' on the couch surrounded by confetti and half eaten dessert plates. relaxed, exhausted in a good way and filled to the brim with content

catching sight of swaying plam trees EVERYWHERE. even at Costco

Sunday morning after you eat brunch. full of yummy food and snuggling in a soft blanket.

catching him smiling at you during card games with friends

driving around with the sunroof open, laughing at nothing and taking crappy sunset pics through the window.

cuddling a sleepy baby who just woke up from his nap.

the breath in between kisses

walking around Ikea asking each other 'obvious' questions we don't actually know the answer to but feel like we should

butter sizzling in the pan while you double crack two eggs like the pro you are

sneaking just ONE more rasberry

finally getting over food poisoning knowing you won't be barfing again all day HALLELUJAH AMEN

feeling like you have all the time in the world to do nothing all day

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