
action packed weekend in san fran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well maybe not that action packed but hey, had to get your attention right? 

this weekend we took on the Golden City (I just googled "San Fran nicknames" so find a good one and apparently there's lots but Golden City seems like a good fit so yeah, I did my research). This wasn't our first time to San Fran together but it was my first time biking the bridge so we were STOKED.
Saturday afternoon we drove up to SF with borrowed bikes on the back of my borrowed jeep(great start I know) we biked through Golden Gate park for a bit with no real intention of seeing anything specific. This was great because we just saw what there was to see and didn't feel stressed to get to one place or another. 

This was the same for our Golden Gate Bridge adventure. We parked in the lower parking (we didn't realize there's higher parking so we had to bike uphill and were completely exhausted by the time we made it to the Bridge) Biking across the bridge was scary and windy and awesome and epic. On each side there was a magnificent view: the ocean and cliffs on one and the bustling pastel city on the other. 

We drove through Presidio (only the prettiest place and a favorite spot of Mike and I) on our way into the city to eat. We went home full of delicious food and wiped out from biking all day. SUCCESS

Then on Sunday we took an afternoon bike ride through Stanford campus right before sunset. Everything on campus is beautiful to me; the regal columns, the majestic arches and the strong sculptures. LOVE! my art heart just bursts. 

it was so windy!! we will definitely remember to bring more layers and maybe even hats and gloves!! no matter how hot of a day it is, it is the windiest ride!
overall I'd give two thumbs up to our

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