
our first adventure in California (of 2015)

We went to Muir woods this weekend and it was totally rad.

Friday night Mike and I were planning on going to the ward beach bonfire at Half Moon Bay when suddenly, it was cancelled 30 min before we were going to leave! So we called some friends who were camping that night to see if we could join, and were on the road 20 minutes later.

We camped in the nicest camping ground I've ever been in--like toilet paper in the bathrooms!!!!!!!!
We played games and told some awesome scary stories around the fire. It was so fun. I met some really cool girls in the ward and bonded over yoga and loving babies haha my new friend is Ksenya from Russia and she's going to get me back into yoga while I'm out here.

In the morning we hiked the gorgeous Muir Woods and it brought me back to that trip with the Griffeys to the Redwoods. Like WOW those trees are overwhelming. It looked like we were in Middle Earth and Frodo would pop out behind some moss at any moment. It was so sobering to be surrounded by such massive beauty.

 It was really good for me to be surrounded by such enormity because I was beginning to feel a little alone/lost in this stage of transitioning. Mike and I had a good talk about all my insecurities and feelings since moving out here one month ago. We've been dating seven months today and it still doesn't feel like a lot. I'm so grateful that I can be close to him to really date him for real! We already feel so much closer now. Like I feel like I understand him so much more and nothing gets lost in translation over skype/texts/calls. 

Oh yeah, after the morning hike we went over to Stinson Beach and took a nap in the sand. Everything was glittery and salty--just how I like it. There was a poor dead seal that washed up on the beach right as we were leaving so that was sad. But also really cool to see such a massive animal up close.

The drive home was a headache--poor Mike was a champ and drove the whole 2 hours home in bumper to bumper traffic in our stick shift ugh. It was rough. But the whole experience of getting away for the weekend was so much fun that we ruled out that it was worth it. 

I made some yummy chocolate chocolately cookies and we watched some of the Super Bowl. Basically all I got from it is that I really want to go to a Katy Perry concert now. She is so rad. wow.

also Mike and I agreed to be these for Halloween this year. Now all we need is a Katy Perry haha

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