
 I never knew how much fun baking could be until this year at college. Last week my roommates put their foot down and named last week "No Sweets Week". I had to refrain from baking for SEVEN WHOLE DAYS. It was definitely difficult but awesome because we felt super healthy and refreshed! So sunday afternoon we ripped up our No Sweets Week sign that had been hanging on the pantry and celebrated by eating poptarts and jolly ranchers!  The urge to bake that had been bottled up inside me EXPLODED last night through the two chocolate cakes and delicious apple pie i baked...baking is like a stress outlet for me! MOM I"M TURNING INTO YOU!  But anyway, isn't this the cutest most wonderful cake you've ever seen! After Stadium Singing we all head over to my dorm for dessert and everyone was so surprised to see an edible pumpkin sitting on the counter! It was so much fun to make and tasted even more delicious. Thank you Mom for giving me this awesome idea. It deifnitely made a memory. Everyone is asking me HOW in the world will I top this next week? haha we'll see!
  Oh and the super cute guy is my friend Zack Carter. He asked me on a date sunday night to make Halloween Gingerbread houses! Ours definitely had character..haha we had a fun time though! He came to Stadium Singing and desserts at my dorm afterwards. We got so excited about the cake that we took photos in random places!...yeah we were a bit hyper!

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