I found the definition of you in the Dictionary! Check it out:
a sister, a sweetheart and lovely girl
But really, I'm here for you ;)
Oh how I miss you! I'm so excited about our lives at college, we are having all these incredible experiences and I just love sharing them!
kind, loving, a Daughter of God
Oh Mimi, I miss you darling. Your cute personality, your laugh and those adorable dimples! I miss our random dancing moments and cool handshakes.
I'm so excited to hear all about your wonderful memories you're making in YW and school! You're such a shining star, don't hide your light. whoa, I'm starting to sound like Mom! hahaa
Keep being your gorgeous little self!
JJ duuuuude how are you?? Oh my goodness, I'm not just blogging about my baby brother but about a studly 16 year old dating, driving machine!!!!
Below is a little quirky quote from a hilarious website called http://grouchyrabbit.com/index.php
"Most people are like Slinkies, relatively useless, but fun to push down stairs."
Sarah darling <3
Hilarious I know! Whenever I need a pick-me-up or just something to make me laugh, I visit this website. Or I just think of the time when you screamed "Pick Boy's on OPRAH?!" and then we danced to the Spongebob Theme Song till we collapsed onto our pillow fort and ate pizza rollups and laughed our heads off at Patrick's "STUPID INFLATABLE PANTS!" HAHAHAA best saturday morning of MY LIFE
Keep up the good work with school and being studmuffin.

Oh how I miss you! I'm so excited about our lives at college, we are having all these incredible experiences and I just love sharing them!
I'm so grateful that I can call you at any moment and you're so willing to talk. I look up to you so much, you're my role model Sarah! I stalk your blog and facebook wall just to see what you're up to (i'm allowed, i'm your sis) so yeah! I'm so glad you're having an amazing Sophomore year so far. I am UNBELIEVABLY excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas and oh yeah ETERNITY <3
I'm so excited to come down and visit you(sometime) and meet your cute boys(boy) ;) and have fun with your roomates at a fantastic football game. Have fun this week and remember that I love you!!
Why, Yes. I do happen to think of myself as a slinky. :D