
The Silver Lining/and/or Blessings in Disguise

Today a bumblebee flew into my hair as I walked home from class.
Why me? I asked in my mind while passerby's stared at the crazy girl whacking her head. But thankfully, after swatting it out (or so I thought) I walked home in peace.
12 minutes later, while preparing to take my Child Development quiz, I hear a buzzing sound coming from my bangs (yes I had a small freak out/panic attack). I then leapt out of my chair and  'whipped my hair back and forth' for about 3 seconds, but the killer bee was still hanging out in my hair! So I grabbed my scarf, trapped the evil insect inside and threw it on the sidewalk outstide our dorm. And I then killed the bug with a bouncy ball while screaming.

This is my life.

So then I proceeded to take my Child Development Quiz on a brand new chapter that I had studied for last night around 1:26 am (more like skimmed through while listening to different versions of Lil' Wayne's 'How to Love', Sam Tsui is a genius)
....(ok ok I really did study Mom!)
But with every trial there comes a blessing:
        Because of the incident with the Killer Bumblebee, my heart rate and energy had increased rapidly, thus making my focus more precise and resulting in a wonderful score of 95 on my quiz!

Moral of this strange story:
Don't worry about the bumblebees in life, they are put into your hair for a reason :)