
The Most Memorable Salt Lake City Excursion

General Conference was incredible. Just incredible.
Haley, Carter, Adam, Shelby, Jared,  Me, Sarah, Jackie, Maddie
Sarah and I stayed with the Hatch and Quist families for the weekend and we're eternally grateful to them for making it possible for us to come to conference!

Carter Hatch is Jared's roomate and Shelby Quist is his cousin. They both go to BYU-Idaho and we all got together and drove down to Salt Lake City for General Conference weekend. It was pretty much the ultimate Road Trip.
watching "The Creep" and other
hilarious YouTube videos

We would stay in the hotel at night and pretty much live in Temple Square during the day, so fun! We would hold signs and ask people for their extra tickets. Our record: 50 tickets in 20 minutes!
Between the two families, BYU-I kids and Sarah, there were about 14 kids altogether. 

isn't he amazing?
oh YEAH!!
Being in the conference center for the very first time was such a memorable experience. The Spirit was so strong when we all stood for President Monson. It was such and wonderful memory!

Every second of this weekend was so memorable. I don't remember a time when we weren't smiling, quoting, singing or laughing!

Being surrounded by these amazing families made me miss my own, our hotel parties reminded me of our crazy fun trips to Florida and Lake Powell.
Batmanning                    All of the above                  Planking (14 kids in a row!!)                 Toweling

At night we would release our energy that had been pent up all day through swimming, playing 'Slaps' and 'Ninja Destruction' and most interestingly; the art of ‘planking’ and many other poses.
We became addicted to thinking of more creative poses rather than just the normal "Plank". We came up with Batmanning, Toweling, Walling, "Kronking" (see fb) Koalaing, Dogging, and Tip-toeing. We weren't able to walk past a chair without toweling or dogging on the tables. This was our entertainment for most the evening, and it was most epic.
Walling                  Koalaing             Toweling              Dogging
After the morning session of General Conference the college kids (Jared, Carter, Shelby, Haley and I) drove to Jared's Grandma's house for the afternoon session and dinner. We took a walk outside and went GeoCaching for a bit. We found the geocache, wrote in the log, and played with our new found treasures! It was such a fun day. When we got back to Rexburg, Carter, Kenzie and I went Stadium Singing and the weekend ended on a beautiful note (pun intended)

It was the best weekend of my life!

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