
silver linings playbook I mean blog post

a list of the silver linings I've found in the midst of all these trials concerning Sarah Kay's cancer:

  • we get a lot of delicious food from amazing family and friends
  • when I come over I get to lay in bed with Sarah Kay and watch funny videos while we eat said delicious food 
  • time is more precious--not just with Sarah Kay and Derek but with every relationship I have
  • I am more comfortable in not letting the little things offend me because honestly in the end does it really even mater?
  • we celebrate the littlest successes--like when Sarah feels good enough to eat dinner at the dining table = YAAY! PARTY!
  • I spend more time with Sarah Kay and Derek more than I normally would if she was healthy and we were both doing our own thang
  • so many people have reached out to us in an enormous way, showing their love and support through  messages, gifts and hugs
  • my relationship with Sarah's husband Derek has reached a deeper bond because of our shared role as Head Nurse for Sarah Kay. He is the biggest silver lining because of all the amazing support and excellent care he has given his bride. It makes me tear up sometimes because SERIOUSLY he is a champ
  • my family and I talk more frequently and more honestly because of all the harsh realities of cancer and going though chemotherapy
  • my priorities and perspective on a lot of things in life has changed
  • my testimony has been strengthened by my belief that our God is loving, caring, He wants what is best for us and more importantly, He knows what is best for us

isn't this the cutest photo? this was taken at an indian restaurant over the summer when SK+D took NYC

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