
cutest little cloth garland

What to do with your scrap cloth that's too small to make into anything big but just TOO PRETTY to throw out....?

make your own cloth garland!

I picked pastels and mixed up patterns for the most perfect springtime party garland.

DANGEROUS KNOWLEDGE: you may love this project so much that you may not be able to stop making them....

Seriously this project will not disappoint.
Did I mention that it's NO SEW

There are literally three steps so let me list them as on the best Pinterest Project professional would do:

1) cut ribbon strips [any size you like!] from your scarp cloth pieces

2) then [hot] glue the pieces to string [I used embroidery string]
         {I  ironed the strips so they were easier to glue}

3) hang the gorgeous garland and have a party!
 These garlands are the perfect party decoration and so easy to hang up/ store! 
Just fold the cloth pieces over on top of each other and tie the excess string around the bundle.
I like to tie little holes on the end of the string to make hanging up easier. 

So excited to use these cute decorations. such a great excuse to plan parties!


Ladybug Valentine Party -photo edition!

Our Little Lovebug Valentine Party was such a success!

Welcome! Come on in!
We had eight little guests and had the best time reading stories, eating yummy fruit and playing games!
As our guests arrived, we painted little ladybugs on their fingernails. so cute!

Here's little Vera blowing on her polish.

 We read some stories about Little Lovebug
Find the books and many more HERE

We played games with our Ladybug Bean bags!

 We took a break and ate some delicious fruit kabobs!

Here are some other favorite photos from the party!


Can't wait for next Valentine's day!

Care to check out the stories of Little Lovebug? Click here!
For more information on how to plan your very own Ladybug Valentine Party-click here!


Ladybug Valentine Party!

 Ladybug Valentine Party!

Valentine's Day is coming up fast this year and what better way to celebrate than to throw a little party!
This is the perfect Ladybug themed Valentine party for your kids and family

 Start out with some cute Invitations for your child’s friends!

Once your guests have arrived, start off the party with a Valentine Story!

Little Lovebug is a sweet little Ladybug who follows her heart and serves others. She goes on many adventures with her friends and finds the secret to happiness.
Read all about her exciting and heartwarming adventures HERE

  The perfect Lady bug stories are found HERE and HERE

You can use your iPad, smart phone, or computer to read to the kids!

Here’s the Grand list of Ladybug themed party ideas!
Ladybug Games!

·         Pin the dot on the ladybug’s wings!

·         Ladybugs with different numbers on their wings--Learn to Count to Ten!

·         Hide little cut outs of ladybugs around the house and have a search!

·         Ladybug Bean Bag!
o   Toss some red bean bags into a Cardboard cut out
o   Practice tossing and catching!
o   Have a Bean Bag hunt!

§  Hide the bean bags and have your kids find them!

o   Red ladybug balloons!

o   Red and pink streamers – everyone will LOVE walking through a curtain of streamers!

o   Ladybug decorated cake!
§  Red frosting
§  Or Cupcakes! With rainbow M&Ms for dots!
§  Or Cake Balls shaped as ladybugs


o   Cut out little lady bugs from red paper and decorate their wings!

o   Cut out construction paper hearts and tape them around the house/room

Your kids will be sure to LOVE this Ladybug themed party!
This Valentine party is sure to be a success! Your guests will love reading the valentine stories and playing the Ladybug games!

Be sure to look for photos of Ishel's party coming this week! Happy Valentine's Day!


It's Snowing in Virginia Beach!

Sister Chelsea Snow ladies and gents.

For everyone who doesn't know, this lovely lady has made the decision to go on a mission and serve the Lord for 18 months. 

At college she opened her call to Richmond, Virginia and I cried.
In between my tears of joy and exclamations of "OHMYGOSH I LIVE THERE" we both got so excited for her new journey to the East Coast!
At the end of the semester our goodbyes weren't as teary because maybe JUST MAYBE I would be able to see her when she came to Virginia!
The odds were not in our favor, you see because the Richmond Virginia Mission is not a tiny mission area. 

So she went off the MTC and then flew to Virginia this past Wednesday!  
And it was a complete surprise to find out that her first are would be in the Norfolk Ward in the Virginia Beach Stake (a ward in my stake!)

So now we're in the same Stake and I get to see her a few times before I go back to college in April!

My sweet Mom and I made plans to go have lunch with the Sister missionaries and planned it so Sister Snow didn't know I was coming!
We showed up at her apartment and Sister Snow opened the door and well, here's the video:

So after we hugged and screamed and laughed and cried a little, we got to cook lunch together! Her companions are SO sweet and their little apartment is the cutest!

I just couldn't get enough photos with this gorgeous girl!


I got a letter from Sister Snow on Thursday and immediately wrote her a letter back and tried to send it on Friday but missed the mail truck (that thing zooms away so fast!) So I was bummed that I had her letter in my hand for a whole nother day but the Lord knew that she was coming to my stake and planned the whole thing. 

I am so grateful that I can see the Hand of the Lord working in my life! I was able to personally deliver my letter to Sister Snow AND have lunch together before she went of tracting!

What a wonderful world!

I am so glad that I met Sister Chelsea Snow all those years ago at the greatest EFY of our lives, we had the best week together and kept in touch since! She's is the most amazing missionary already and I can't wait to bump into her again! Love that girl

check out her journey on her Mission Blog! http://sisterchelseabaileysnow.blogspot.com

So much has changed! and yet...some things remain the same.

at EFY as adorable 15 year olds.           and here we are as stunning 19 year olds