
It's Snowing in Virginia Beach!

Sister Chelsea Snow ladies and gents.

For everyone who doesn't know, this lovely lady has made the decision to go on a mission and serve the Lord for 18 months. 

At college she opened her call to Richmond, Virginia and I cried.
In between my tears of joy and exclamations of "OHMYGOSH I LIVE THERE" we both got so excited for her new journey to the East Coast!
At the end of the semester our goodbyes weren't as teary because maybe JUST MAYBE I would be able to see her when she came to Virginia!
The odds were not in our favor, you see because the Richmond Virginia Mission is not a tiny mission area. 

So she went off the MTC and then flew to Virginia this past Wednesday!  
And it was a complete surprise to find out that her first are would be in the Norfolk Ward in the Virginia Beach Stake (a ward in my stake!)

So now we're in the same Stake and I get to see her a few times before I go back to college in April!

My sweet Mom and I made plans to go have lunch with the Sister missionaries and planned it so Sister Snow didn't know I was coming!
We showed up at her apartment and Sister Snow opened the door and well, here's the video:

So after we hugged and screamed and laughed and cried a little, we got to cook lunch together! Her companions are SO sweet and their little apartment is the cutest!

I just couldn't get enough photos with this gorgeous girl!


I got a letter from Sister Snow on Thursday and immediately wrote her a letter back and tried to send it on Friday but missed the mail truck (that thing zooms away so fast!) So I was bummed that I had her letter in my hand for a whole nother day but the Lord knew that she was coming to my stake and planned the whole thing. 

I am so grateful that I can see the Hand of the Lord working in my life! I was able to personally deliver my letter to Sister Snow AND have lunch together before she went of tracting!

What a wonderful world!

I am so glad that I met Sister Chelsea Snow all those years ago at the greatest EFY of our lives, we had the best week together and kept in touch since! She's is the most amazing missionary already and I can't wait to bump into her again! Love that girl

check out her journey on her Mission Blog! http://sisterchelseabaileysnow.blogspot.com

So much has changed! and yet...some things remain the same.

at EFY as adorable 15 year olds.           and here we are as stunning 19 year olds

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