
don't have a heart attack Mom...

So after midnight there's this thing I'm addicted to. It's called "look at gorgeous photography till I fall asleep on my keyboard". 

It is such a great thing to do because then I after when i fall asleep i can then dream about beautiful photography and how pretty these pictures are..
that sentence didn't make much sense did it?...see what happens when i stay up past a reasonable hour??

Anyway, but aren't theses photos just the most precious things you've ever seen in your entire life?! yeah, they are. Someday, far off, I would love for my engagement photos to look this cute.

So mom & dad, please don't worry about me jumping on the marriage bandwagon(whatever that is?) and living up the name BYU-I-DO <3  nope, not happening just yet. C'mon, i'm barely a legal adult.

Alixann Loosle Photography

Why not?

I've been asking myself that quite a lot lately. Why not try a backflip? Why not learn the Single Ladies dance? Why not bake cinnamon rolls and as a cute guy out? Why not?
Usually when I ask myself this, it is because my good friend Shanice Gibson has suggested we do something crazy. She is out here at BYU-I with her guy friends from Missouri.
 They're very into football and have joined a Flag Football team.
Their team name is the "Black-Outs" so Kenzie, Shanice and I wore black to support them.
Look Mom and Dad! Here's the cheerleader
you both know and love <3

Their first game was last night.

And yes, Cheerleaders were present :)
Can't see us, but check out
that sunset!
We had the best time making up cheers,
pretending to get mad when our team
messed up, and doing cartwheels up and
down the field.



we needed some cubism up in here
the very first batch. they
 disappeared very fast during
 FHE on monday

it started out as a few. which turned into a couple more. which then became twice as many. which then turned into an enormous batch of chocolaty goodness.

 the final amount was 
63 Oreo Chocolate Truffles
These delicious little delicacies are extremely satisfying, very easy, and intensely addicting.

My roomates and I, along with some friends down the hall, are absolutely head over heels for these tiny treats. I am in the process of perfecting the recipe.
 Oreo Truffles have become our official favorite college sweets.
63.  count 'em


Avatar in English

Today in English 101 we had a discussion about how to not be specialists in just one field. We should enjoy learning other skills from different people and expand our horizons. My teacher used this example to reiterate his point:
      "Have you guys seen Nickelodeon's Avatar Series?...well this can be like when Iroh learned to redirect lightning. (teacher poses in an Avatar stance) Who do you think taught him how? Waterbenders, that's who! So even though your major is, for example Math Education, you can still take a Social Dance class just to try new things!"

Iroh bending lightning
Lightning Redirection is a specialized technique within Firebending that allows a Firebender to absorb lightning into their body as energy, then release it in a more desirable direction. The technique was developed by Iroh after he studied master Waterbenders, who redirect an opponent's energy rather than oppose it head-on.[1] Lightning redirection works equally well for natural and generated lightning.[2]*www.avatar.wikia.com

Of course we all related to his reference to the Greatest Nickelodeon Series of All Time. We also couldn't get over the fact that he had correlated Avatar to English. What more can I say? 
                   BEST TEACHER EVER


Fun at the Hodgson Home

This Labor Day weekend I was privileged to stay at the Hodgson's home! We pretty much did everything this weekend, it was awesome. I'm so grateful for such wonderful people, they are so sweet and fun. They have such amazing spirits and made me feel right at home. I'm so glad to be a part of the lovely Berge family! We talked and laughed and made wonderful memories. I'm sad to leave, but excited to come back!:)


in the the beginning...

Here’s the first post! Katelyn and I picked out the colors and pretty soon I’ll start writing about my life (I feel so conceited!). I’ll post a ton of photos for sure to calm my mother’s heart and clarify that I’m alive and well at college. here's my cutie cousin Katelyn:D
I think the title is pretty smart (my dad came up with it). Hopefully others will understand the pun. We’ll see!

My mother and I are on our way to Idaho! For the past week we’ve been all over Utah visiting friends, family, cousins, and her lovely roommates. My mom and her dear friends talk and laugh and cry and talk and gush and chat into the night. As I sit here listening to their hilarious stories and feeling their sweet spirits, I can totally imagine myself in 20(+) years, visiting my old friends! It’s exactly what I want to be like when I’m with dear friends.  I just think it’s wonderful. Love you Mom!