
Personal reflection to Chapter 4

Post your personal reflective response to Chapter 4 in relation to your teaching and artistic practice. Describe how you might apply the content discussed in Chapter 4 to your own teaching practices in the future:

Chapter 4 of Rethinking Curriculum

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In this chapter I gleaned a lot about connections. To have our students understand and want to study art we need to cultivate an atmosphere where students can create connections. 

"It is the connections that students make between bits of knowledge that develop deeper understanding and avoid the pitfall of simply piling up more and more facts." pg. 28 Rethinking Curriculum. If students connect with a certain art piece then they will develop a deeper connection and appreciation. 

  • Guide students to interpret art
  • Assist students in studying the social, cultural and individual connections in artwork
  • Teach students that art contains value, purpose and meaningful form
  • Change can be an influential part of artwork
Image may contain: 1 person
I can ask my students at the beginning of the semester: "What do you want to learn from this class? How can we learn together? What are some class expectations and rules we should agree on?" This can create an atmosphere where the students feel like they can add to the classroom management. 

Students can learn to interpret art by reading art critic's reviews and researching other resources. "Seeking significant and relevant connections to the larger world can deepen interpretation and remind students that artworks are produced and exist within a social context." pg. 45 Rethinking Curriculum. 
By basing art curriculum on key understandings, those understandings will become the primary focus of the lessons. Students will feel like their curriculum is relevant to their lives and will want to explore more ideas!

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

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