
2.Blog Posts: Outside or Chaco Canyon, Your Art21 Presentation and Artwork, a post about the two guest artists next week:

2.Blog Posts: Outside or Chaco Canyon, Your Art21 Presentation and Artwork, a post about the two guest artists next week:

I missed the Thursday artist because I was at the SLC airport with my brother.
I loved Jethro’s class! We learned all about his tally marks that he was working on over the past couple years. I also enjoyed his deer or elk pieces. The layering process that he constructed was inspiring and gave me some great ideas for my next project.
I also loved his presentation about his post modern mini art gallery that he moved and set up around his school. His students love this idea and each get to present their own gallery space once a year or semester. He executed his mini gallery space by delegating the work to his students, they must market their show, plan the space and arrange times to meet in the gallery. It was such a great idea for students to show their work because their level of commitment to their work goes way up!

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