
Day in my life video

Ok so I'm currently editing a video with all the footage from last year that I didn't use in any videos. I guess it's like an extras reel or deleted scenes video compilation haha who knows, I just know that there are so many great clips I never used. Oh and I need to dump my iPhone storage on my computer soon so there's that motivating me as well.

Anyway, as I've been editing this video I have watched so many clips of me interviewing Mike about what's going on around us and how we're feeling at that moment in time. I LOVE hearing us talk about how we felt after climbing a mountain or how awesome the sunset it or how much LA traffic sucks hahaha

It inspired me to make a video with Mike and I once it gets a little warmer outside--like we go on a hike or walk or something and talk about what's going on around us. I want to ask each other questions and record what we say. It might be funny in a couple years to see how we wanted 5 kids and then end up with 3 or who knows!

I'm writing all the questions down here so I can have them ready to pull up whenever I decide to film!

Conversation starters:

What time period would you want to travel to?

Name a moment in your life that is precious to you?

What would you tell yourself at age 15?

Who inspires you/what inspires you?

Where do you want to travel and why?

What advice would you give yourself at age 18?

What is something that has influenced you; person, moment, event?

If you could teach something what would it be?

Name your first baby boy's name?

Name your first baby girl's name?

What is your favorite family tradition?

If you could change your name, what would you choose?

If your appearance was altered beyond recognition, how would you prove your identity to me?

If you were famous for something, what would you want that to be?

What would your life be like if you said yes to everything?

What is your favorite super hero? Which one would you want to be?

What are three goals you have for this year?

If you knew you had 30 days to live, how would you spend that time?

What is the nicest compliment anyone has given you?


if we win!!!!!!!!!!!

wow. to win THAT MUCH MONEY would be so exhilarating.

dancing happy seinfeld george costanza elaine benes

before falling asleep Mike and I dream-talked about what we would do once we were billionaires. (p.s. we haven't bought tickets so yeah this is all theoretical)

  • invest right away
  • keep saving lol that'll never change
  • quit our jobs and pack our bags
  • plan our trips together then get on a plane!!!
  • like really just travel, travel, travel
  • live abroad wherever the freak we want for however long we want
  • after traveling a bunch, find a nice place somewhere and have a home base for a bit
  • find awesome companies through which we can serve humanitarian missions
  • donate a bunch to every charity in the world
  • take as many polaroids as I want because I can
  • buy a house somewhere in Palo Alto--that place is a dream
  • buy a beachouse in Laguna oh wow that would be rad
  • get an actually really nice haircut
  • maybe start a company or be the benefactor of something we're really passionate about
  • I would love to keep making videos but to have a nice camera/laptop to edit them on
  • buy a tesla!!!! oh my gosh that'd be so fun hahaha
  • hot air balloon ride
  • buy our families amazing christmas gifts for the rest of their lives

then after we discussed all these great things we would do with our money we laughed and realized that we should be doing all those things anyway--even just with the little money we have. Isn't that so great? Like you don't have to be a billionaire to live a life of service and be happy. also, Mike just texted me, "I already won you. That's all I need." *BE STILL MA HEART!* all we need in this world is love and people and puppies and smoothies. 



blast from the blog past

Reading back through my blog has suddenly been my favorite pastime. There are so many emotions and stories I've put on here that I forgot about...well not necessarily forgot..I just haven't thought about them in a while. Like I loved reading my interview with my grandma. I miss that lady so much! All the emotions came rushing back from when I was lucky enough to publish my ebooks with Barnes&Noble. I looked through all the photos from my amazing Harry Potter party that I threw last Halloween too. I'm craving another Potter party hahaa maybe I should host on annually....

But most of all it was so good to read back through my feelings during the really hard trial period when cancer took over our lives. This post about counting all the blessings during hard times was good to read through. There were some other really emotional moments that I hadn't thought about in so long because Sarah totally destroyed the cancer that was inside her and we've just been celebrating for like the past 5 months!

I'm so glad that I have this little piece of the internet to collect and curate my ideas, feelings, and photos. I'm really glad that I found it therapeutic to type out my emotions in these posts too. It was so good to just always have my phone ready and be able to type out what I was going through at any specific time....yes I still journaled a TON but usually my phone won out because it was right there haha.

Anyway, I am so so so glad that I've kept up with my journaling and recording this past year. Mike's grateful too haha he told me yesterday that if I didn't document our life then our posterity would never know what we were like at this time so I should keep it up! BOOYAH THANKS BABE! That's success right there.


15 Ways to significantly improve your day

tips for when you are feeling frustrated, ungrateful, annoyed, ugly or just all around lame.       
  1. hug a significant person in your life--for TEN SECONDS. realize that you are so lucky to have moments of beautiful human interaction with loved ones in your life.
  2. say out loud "LIFE IS GOOD" ten times
  3. smile. just pretend to smile. even if you are crying a little bit. it helps
  4. watch tina fey and amy pohler do something on youtube 
  5. draw something you used to draw in elementary school. Like the Superman S or something. (this helps you feel accomplished)
  6. 20 jumping jacks. burn away those bad thoughts.
  7. make out on the couch. 
  8. go to your closet and touch every single article of clothing you own and be grateful you are blessed with warm stuff to wear this winter
  9. in fact, look around your room/home and say "thank you" with genuine gladness to each object you love.
  10. think of the saddest you've ever been and then think of Malala and what happened to her. look at what she's done with the hand Life dealt her. ok wait don't think too much about that it actually might make you feel worse and more lame. 
  11. do some more jumping jacks to refresh your mind
  12. yoga helps too and just basic breathing
  13. write in your journal--then 2 weeks later read it and laugh at how dumb you were 2 weeks ago
  14. take a nap
  15. try your hardest to really see what the problem is here because like you're only going to live this life once and you don't want to do it whilst being super bummed all the time. Let it go, rearrange, learn to be more flexible.
*all tips approved by Ishel