
sarah starts chemo tomorrow


chemo. tomorrow. chemotherapy! the real deal.

sometimes I don't want to think about it. cancer, that is. Or the pain that my sister has gone through in the last five months. Or the pain that she will endure in the upcoming months/years..

2014 was huge for our family. Sarah found her match, Derek, and they were married in the temple in May. JJ and I were able to visit them in New York while they lived there during the summer. Then JJ left on his mission just weeks before Sarah Kay was officially diagnosed with cancer. It was the most emotional year of my life--yet. 2015 is going to be pretty intense too, it already has.

I've moved out to California (Palo Alto to be exact) and am currently taking a breather from school for a bit. It was pretty intense trying to focus in class when all I wanted to do was be with Sarah Kay and Derek. (Props to Derek for being a BOSS and working so hard at school and his job all while being Sarah's biggest cheerleader/nurse/life coach--wait isn't that what a husband is though?..anyway)

It's been great so far out here in the Golden State. I'm staying at a dear cousins and working fulltime at my nannying job. My poor boyfriend Mike has been very sick with an awful flu strain ever since we left Hawaii (2 full weeks now) so we really haven't had any real fun yet. But he's on the slow road to recovery and we're excited to see the sights and explore the gorgeous Bay area!

so. there's just a little update on my life I guess.

I'm excited to nurse Mike back to health and get some pretty California photos up on this blog soon!

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