
What is the difference between art and design?

Cy Twombly's 'Untitled [Rome]' (1961).:

What is the difference between art and design?


As we walked through the BYU art student exhibits, it struck me how much design is intertwined with our art. I truly don't think that design and art are pitted against each other in the world of art. They are supplemental to each other. By using design in our art we utilize composition and balance. The elements of design can be interchangeable with the elements of art. The principles and elements of design make our art what it is. Rules are always meant to be broken but with the help of design, we can create wonderful pieces or art that inspire.


Modernist Painting by Clement Greenberg

Modernist Painting by Clement Greenberg

From wikipedia we learn that Modernism is "a philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries."  So what does that mean? Modernism can be classified as a movement that set out to modify traditional beliefs and rules.

 In this article we read about the definition of modernism through Clement Greenberg's perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article. My favorite line from it: "Modernism includes almost the whole of what is truly alive in our culture." So in a nutshell this article touches on the definition of modernism and according to Greenberg it is, "using the characteristic methods of a discipline to criticize the discipline itself." He talks about how many believe modernism to be a rebellion against the Roman catholic church or a breakaway from traditional ideals. But he doesn't see it that way. He talks about how he believes modernism isn't a rebellion or liberation from 'classical art'. It is simply a self awakening process. 

Aesthetic Autobiography