
Sunrise at the BEACH

Virginia Beach, I have missed you. a lot. I'm so glad we live here. We live so close that we only need to drive 15 minutes to see the sunrise!

Here's our story of that lovely (early!) morning:

Woke up at 5:30 AM.
donned sweats, hoodies, mittens, scarves and hats.
squeezed into the mazda with our big, fluffy blankets.
drove to 16th street down at the Oceanfront.
sat under the Pier in the dark early morning and waited.
and waited.
watched the waves uncover pretty shells in the sand.
waited some more.
Mimi passed the time by playing games on the iPod touch.
(still waiting.)
JJ fell asleep on Mimi who fell asleep on me...I fell asleep on the sand.
and we waited still.
we watched surfers brave the cold waters.
Joshua played guitar while we tried to stay warm under our 5 blankets.
and then,
FINALLY, it rose.
and it was spectacular.
beyond beautiful!
The sun came up behind the clouds and illuminated EVERYTHING!! The whole world was waking up in front of our eyes.
Wow what a sight!
we jumped up and took some epic silhouette photos before the light was gone.
we love being siblings, can't you tell?
here's our tribute to our all-time favorite dance on Just Dance 3, Pump It!
We walked to the car with the warm sun on our backs. drove to Dunkin Donuts and ate our fill of Coffee cake muffins and wonderful glazed donuts.


How JJ stayed warm

it was a lovely morning to say the least.
Sunrise at Virginia Beach, VA



I want to buy a fancy camera, a nice scarf, hop on a plane and fly away...to a nice place like Paris or Italy or Greece or Milan....I'll stay at a nice hotel, sleep in, eat bagels, photograph EVERY moment, feed the pigeons, watch the sunset at the Eiffel Tower, ride on a Gondola, take in the view, soak up the sun, and return home renewed and refreshed.

man i WISH


art break!

My parents have a new hobby:

They create Children stories in the form of eBooks for the Kindle, Nook, iPad, iTouch and pretty much every and any computer and cell phone. They have hired me to illustrate their books and bring more stories to life, and to create my own eBooks. It's super fun! but a whole lot of work. I've been working on four pages for about 3 hours. I'm such a perfectionist! ahh!

So this is my little art break I've allowed myself. 

I've started (and finished) the first book of the Hunger Games series much too fast...I was hoping it would last longer than 2 days. oh well, I'm starting Catching Fire anyway. March 23rd can't come fast enough!

I'm addicted to this song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi_VGxu4NUc
I am the reason she has 7,803,665 views...make that 7,803,666...

It's been a good break...k back to work.